FAQFrequently Asked QuestionsWe here a Mystic Cloak & Tailor get quite a few questions about our cloaks, so here are a few of them you may or may not have. Please do not laugh too hard as these are question we actually get.
Q=Is your cloak water proof?
A= Yes we really do mean WATERPROOF and we test it by carrying 2-5 gallons of water in it. It will leak a very small amount if you carry 3-5 gallons on a seam but hey, when are you going to wear it underwater??
Q= Are your cloaks fireproof?
A= Yes this is a real question we get daily at shows. I am not sure how waterproof and fireproof get mixed up but here is the answer. The fabric we use is 100% polyester and it's self-extinguishing so no it's not fireproof.
Q=Is it just one size?
A= We have 7 sizes and if that does not work we make every cloak in-house and will be glad to make one to fit you perfectly.
Q=Do you have to re-treat it to maintain the waterproofing.
A=We have lining that is milled to our specs that is a true lightweight waterproof fabric, so no.
Q=How do I clean it?
A= The fabrics we use are normally upholstery grade so this means they're very hard to get something to stick to them. We recommend taking your cloak out and hosing it down with a water house or in the shower. If the dirt on your cloak is an oil based or unknown "stain" then I would spot clean with hand dish washing soap and hot water.
To dry it just hang it outside or in your shower. We do not recommend using a washing machine as it has an agitator that will attack the seams over time and reduce the life of your cloak (not covered under our warranty)
Q= How do I get blood out of it?
A= I am not going to ask how you got it in there but here is the answer that nurses use. Do not wash, do not do anything just rinse it with hydrogen peroxide, let the bubbles work for you. It even works on old dried blood.
Q= You copied a pattern from "Joann's, Hancock, etc..."
A= We designed our cloak ourselves but it is based off a historic design. To give you a hint of how much time we worked on them, it took us almost a year to get the neck correct and until you try one on you will not understand what we mean by that.